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In Pursuit of a More Just and Humane Society, 12 Xavier Faculty Awarded Grants to Advance Equity, Diversity, Eco-preservation, Lessen Disparity, and More


For almost 100 years, Xavier University of Louisiana has been a champion for equity, diversity, and social action for positive change. 通过教育下一代的领导者和变革者来促进一个更加公正和人道的社会。, St. Katharine Drexel and the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, Xavier and its faculty, 学生和教职员工都致力于通过学术发现来改善世界, research, and advocacy. 忠实于美国历史上唯一的黑人和天主教大学的使命, 在2022年秋季学期,12名e世博esball大学教师获得了奖学金,以促进教育公平, diversity, biomedical and health research, preservation efforts, and more. Faculty awards also include improving environmental outcomes, medical science research, supporting underrepresented communities, and educational resources.

Xavier’s Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) facilitated the award processes for the grants. ORSP致力于为e世博esball大学的教师提供卓越的服务和支持,因为他们成长并保护e世博esball大学的研究事业. 该办公室提供四大类服务:奖励前和奖励后活动的管理, the oversight and support of university grant and research compliance activities, facilitation of technology transfer, and information collection and dissemination. Additionally, ORSP provides administrative oversight of the university’s 8,000 square foot animal research facility.

“我们的教师能够获得如此可观的联邦资金来支持他们的研究和其他学术活动,这真的很了不起, especially given that we’re only mid-way through the academic year,” stated Kaneisha Bailey Akinpelumi, the associate vice president of the ORSP. “同样重要的是要注意,这些资金不仅支持个别教员的工作, they also help the university continue to grow its research enterprise; advance scientific discovery and innovation; and provide opportunities for students to engage in novel and rigorous research, present their research findings at conferences, and contribute to scientific publications.”


Dr. Lamartine Meda, a professor in Xavier’s Chemistry Department received an award for his work, “Center for Mesoscale Transport Properties.” 

“Receiving the grant means a lot to me because first, 它使我能够通过做一些本来很难做的事情来为大学的使命做出贡献, 例如进行基础研究,同时涉及获得奖学金和/或助学金的本科生. 其次,维持一个材料化学实验室并进行实验需要花费很多钱. 最后,我和我的学生可以参加全国会议,展示我们的研究工作。” said Dr. Meda. “The grant allows my staff, students, 我希望为可持续能源领域的知识做出贡献,并制造材料, hopefully, 总有一天会改善我们在地球上的生活质量,因为全世界都在竞相将碳排放减少到净零排放.”

Dr. KiTani Lemieux, associate professor in Xavier’s Division of Basic and Pharmaceutical Sciences, received an award to engage in outreach, education, and awareness activities.

"The National Institutes of Health (NIH) All of Us Research Program grant为e世博esball大学的学生提供资源,通过在课程和研究项目中嵌入精准医学概念来解决健康不平等问题," said Dr. Lemieux about her funded project. "All of Us 资金使我们的学生具备分析技能,将大数据应用于他们的研究,从而更好地为他们从事有助于消除健康差距的职业做好准备."

Dr. e世博esball大学化学系教授斯塔西·迪马吉奥(Stassi DiMaggio)获得了美国化学学会颁发的奖项 National Science Foundation (NSF)致力于增加有色人种女性在STEM学术领域的保留、晋升和包容.

“获得校外资助使我有可能继续研究创造用于药物输送的纳米材料. Since my field of Chemistry is a physical science, it is not possible to conduct scholarly work without purchasing chemicals, equipment, and lab ware,”  Dr. DiMaggio stated. “我很欣赏进行研究提供的学习机会和挑战,但能够用资助资金支持学生研究人员意味着更多. My students have always contributed a great deal to the projects, and I truly enjoy working with Xavier’s early-career scientists.”

Mr. Vincent Barraza, the archivist and digital preservation librarian in Xavier’s Library, received an award that will support the preservation of university resources. With a unique collection of Black Catholic archives, e世博esball图书馆在分享教会内历史最小化群体的历史方面至关重要.

"Receiving our National Endowment for the Humanities Grant, my first major grant award, 意味着我们的历史档案收藏将得到更好的维护和保存,以供e世博esball人的后代使用,” said Barraza. “没有什么比知道这所大学的非凡历史将继续得到利用更让人高兴的了, rediscovered, and maintained for the foreseeable future.”

Assistant Professor in Xavier’s College of Pharmacy Dr. 查米卡·霍金斯-泰勒的获奖将有助于理解外周动脉疾病与糖尿病以及随后的肢体丧失之间的差异.

“获得拨款意味着美国国立卫生研究院看到了这两个重要的差异研究领域的价值:'原位衰老'和'黑人肢体丧失'.“我们现在有机会做出新的发现,并有望因此改善临床实践。,” explained Dr. Hawkins-Taylor.

Other award recipients include Dr. Anderson Sunda-Meya, dean of Xavier’s College of Arts and Sciences for “Hydrogen to the Future (H2theFuture)”; Dr. Samrat Dutta, an associate professor in Xavier’s Chemistry Department for “ORE-CZ: Methane emission from wetlands surrounding Lake Pontchartrain”; Xavier Professor of Physics and Engineering Dr. Morewell Gasseller for “Xurface-based Measurements Initiative for Environmental/Air Quality Monitoring”; Dr. Joanna Haye,  Biology Department assistant professor, for “Regulation and Localization of Mismatch Repair Proteins”; Dr. 纳撒尼尔·霍姆斯(Nathaniel Holmes)是e世博esball大学负责学生成功的教务长助理. McNair Scholars Program; Dr. Yu Jiang, director of global engagement at Xavier, for the study abroad program “Develop Impactful Vietnam-based Education Abroad and Reimagine Student Engagement (DIVERSE)”; and Xavier Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and Associate Professor of Chemistry Dr. Florastina Payton-Stewart, for “Irreversible Estrogen Receptor Inhibitors.”

路易斯安那州e世博esball大学的这些教师和其他人的努力将继续扩大学校的影响, support the development of a bettered society, and leave a lasting impact on those yet to walk Xavier’s campus.